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August 12, 2013

2013 Vermont Bar Foundation Board Elections

The Vermont Bar Foundation Annual Meeting and Election of the Board of Directors will take place on September 27, 2013 during the Vermont Bar Association Annual Meeting at Lake Morey Resort.

The VBF Nominating Committee has nominated the following attorneys for positions on the Board of Directors.  You can click on a district to review a nominee’s biography.

Chittenden District (Chittenden County, Out of State Attorneys)
Lila Shapero, Esq.
Karen L. Tyler, Esq.

Eastern District (Windsor and Windham Counties)
Eric G. Velto, Esq.

Northern District (Caledonia, Essex, Franklin, Grand Isle, Lamoille, Orange and Orleans Counties)
Jesse D. Bugbee, Esq.

Washington District (Washington County)
Daniel P. Richardson, Esq.

Western District (Addison, Bennington and Rutland Counties)
Mary C. Welford, Esq.

Election ballots will be emailed to you no later than August 29. At that time you may cast your vote for the nominee(s) in your district or visit the Vermont Bar Foundation table at the VBA Annual Meeting to pick up your ballot. Should you have any questions, please contact Deborah Bailey via email or call 802-223-1400.

Thank you.

Beth Danon, Esq. President

Vermont Bar Foundation