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September 2, 2011

Vermont Continues to Benefit from the Work of Its First Poverty Law Fellow, Grace Pazdan

While homeowners across the nation face devastating mortgage foreclosures, (please see http://www.nytimes.com/2011/08/22/opinion/homeowners-need-help.html?ref=opinion) Vermont still sees lasting benefits from the work of its first Poverty Law Fellow, Grace Pazdan. Ms. Pazdan’s charge was to protect homeowners from foreclosure. Along the way, she helped to protect banks’ collateral and forced mortgage servicers to follow the law. She worked effectively with her clients, with the Vermont bar and in Vermont courts. In the Vermont Legislature, she worked to modify Vermont’s foreclosure law, championing the passage of H590 to protect homeowners and mortgage lenders in foreclosure proceedings.

“Many thanks to the generous donors of Access to Justice Campaign 2010 who support the work of Jessica Radbord, Vermont’s second Poverty Law Fellow,” said co-chairs Stacy Chapman and Tom Carlson. “She is working on safe housing issues across our state. When you receive a request to donate to the Fellowship, we hope you will be generous.”

“To donate online, please click on the “DONATE NOW” button and donate to the Fellowship,” said Access to Justice Coalition member and Vermont Bar Association Executive Director Bob Paolini.

Vermont Bar Foundation