Client Education Makes a Difference

Answering a client’s legal questions helps lead to a positive result.

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Rachel” visited Steps to End Domestic Violence following an incident in which her partner physically assaulted her, forcing her to flee the home they shared with their four children. In the wake of this event, Rachel knew she needed legal help, but she wasn’t sure what her options were. Fortunately, Steps’ legal clinic was there to provide Rachel with the assistance she needed to keep her family safe.

Steps helped answer a number of questions Rachel had about filing for a relief from abuse order, then helped her prepare a request based on the recent abuse and her partner’s history of violence. Following a hearing on those issues, Rachel returned to the Steps legal clinic. There, she began the process of filing for parentage in order to establish parental rights and responsibilities and obtain a parent-child contact order.

Since the lives of her children were involved, Rachel understandably wanted to educate herself about this process. Fortunately, a Steps attorney was able to provide her with clarifying information that helped her make informed decisions. As Rachel continued through the legal process, she relied on the Steps clinic for legal counsel and support. Thanks to Steps and the support of the Vermont Bar Foundation, Rachel obtained a satisfactory final order, and could begin to rebuild her family.

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